A blend of some truths, some half truths, with an underlying stratum of conspiracy. "you know nothing about science, so don't trust what you're getting from the media". "I'm a real scientist. Trust me. " Also even thow I'm a scientist you can trust me cuz I'm a member of the "silent majority". The conflation of the environmental movement with "woke" and marxism is dishonest. CO2 excess is simply a practical problem we need to do something about, and is a real consequence of the second law of thermodynamics in action.

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You're going to enjoy the episodes on cults Chris. Although, when you're in a cult, by definition you're always the last to know...

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You'll need to be specific Chris. What - exactly - is not truthful here?

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theres an obvious bias.

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Chris: I need specifics!

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shit... do I really have to sit through that again? He's a grumpy old knowitall with not a shred of humour. I'm not an expert... but co2 is a greenhouse gas, so is water vapour. And we're seeing a lot of weird weather explicable by assuming that the atmosphere has gotten warmer, so lets start there. At least we need to take care if we are changing the composition of the atmosphere. WE had "alarmists" spouting about ozone depletion and acid rain. So some changes were made and it turns out they were right. the hole is gradually filling, and we're having less of an acifification problem, though it may be exacerbating warming ASFAIK. And in many cases it was the VERY SAME PEOPLE who were spouting about cigarettes not causing cancer, that ozone depletion and acid rain weren't problems, and that AGW isn't real. (See Naomi Oreskes.. merchants of doubt) Yeah... you're gonna say it's more "ad hominem"... but tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.... from no friend of the CBC at least some of it.

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